Stay on the Bright Side

VitaHealth Malaysia Supplement: Stay On The Bright Side Article Banner - What To Do During MCO?

Feeling down? Got the blues? Everyone feels sad at some point in their life. You cannot always control what happens to you, but one thing you can control is how you respond to it.

The good news is that it takes relatively little time and effort to bring positivity into your life. Here are a few simple ways to boost your happiness levels in mere minutes, or less.

VitaHealth Malaysia Health Supplements: Stay On The Bright Side Article - Listen To Music

Listen to music

Make a playlist full of your favourite songs and listen to it. Research shows that listening to music that you love makes your brain release dopamine, a feel-good neurochemical which can make you feel better. So hit the play button and put yourself in a good mood.

VitaHealth Malaysia Health Supplements: Stay On The Bright Side Article - Smile


As simple as it might sound, smiling has a direct positive impact on your mood. Try putting a smile whenever you feel down. Smiling not just has the power towards you, but it can also change the moods of others. So, smile, because it is contagious!

VitaHealth Malaysia Health Supplements: Stay On The Bright Side Article - Stay Connected

Stay connected

Don’t hold it to yourself when things happen. When you are feeling the blues, find someone you fully trust to talk about your feelings. Surrounding yourself with good company can keep your spirit high.

VitaHealth Malaysia Health Supplements: Stay On The Bright Side Article - Do A Good Deed

Do a good deed

It’s no secret that performing small acts of kindness can increase a sense of happiness and well-being. Do something nice for someone else. For instance, you may donate to a good cause, open a door for someone and write a thank you note.

VitaHealth Malaysia Health Supplements: Stay On The Bright Side Article - Exercise


Get up and be active! It is not just great for your body but also for your mental health. Exercise sparks the release of mood-raising endorphins which trigger a positive feeling!  Even a 10-minute yoga session has been shown to make an impact.

VitaHealth Malaysia Health Supplements: Stay On The Bright Side Article - Get Enough Sleep

Get enough sleep

A good night’s sleep can make a world of difference to your mood! With enough sleep, you will feel more energised and ready to tackle your errands.